Online Support for Working Homeschoolers

If you have just started to consider working and homeschooling, you might feel like you are joining a deserted island when it comes to like-minded lifestyles. But if you've read The Truth About Working and Homeschooling, you know that the group of moms who are doing this is actually rather large. This is why it's so important that we all find each other, connect, and engage!
It's important to consult multiple resources when you decide to work and homeschool. Everyone has their own strengths and experiences to contribute to the conversation. Some started as homeschooling stay-at-home moms and added a job to this later. Some have always been working, homeschooling moms. The ages of children when homeschooling started can vary. We are also all at different points along the homeschooling journey.
Work-life can also look very different across our families. Working moms who homeschool can have full-time traditional jobs outside the home, they can telecommute to a company they work for, or they can run their own business. For many, work means a mixture of these options.
I have focused my list here primarily on places where you can go to get ongoing support; however, I have also included some links that I thought were valuable and helpful. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I think it will give you a good base to get started and find the online support that you need as a working homeschooler.
Facebook pages and groups for working homeschooling moms
Well, I have to start with my own Facebook page for Working Homeschooler. If you are not already connected with me there, I encourage you to visit. I offer a variety of content on the Facebook page on a daily basis, such as helpful links, inspiring quotes, relevant conversations, and live video.
Another Facebook page for moms who are working and homeschooling is Practical, by Default by Jen Mackinnon. Jen also offers a variety of helpful content and live videos, and she is good at finding humorous posts that make me stop and laugh out loud in the middle of a busy day.
But you are missing the real gem if you don't check out The Working Homeschool Mom Club, Jen's closed group for private discussions. At the time of this writing, the group has over 13,000 members - which makes it the ideal place for the type of questions in which you want lots of examples and feedback about curriculum, schedules, childcare, etc. You will get a wide variety of perspectives here, as a diverse group of women with many different beliefs and homeschool methods are members (and that is so valuable when you are trying to make a well-informed decision about something).
Another Facebook group for working homeschool moms that I have enjoyed being part of is Busy Working, Homeschooling Moms managed by Homeschool Epiphany. This group is specifically managed for Christian moms who are working and homeschooling. If you have the type of question in which you are seeking some faith-based input or Biblical wisdom, this is a great forum.
Web resources for working homeschooling moms
I offer a Working Homeschooler Starter Kit designed for those who aren't even sure if they want to work and homeschool yet. We start at the beginning - the basics, the myths, your beliefs - and move into how to make it all work.
In addition to her Facebook resources mentioned above, Jen Mackinnon has a blog dedicated to working and homeschooling called Practical, by Default. Jen's blog includes printables, practical tips, and some detailed reviews of products you might be interested in.
Homeschool Epiphany has many posts on the topic of working and homeschooling, including the Successful Homeschool Schedules of Working Moms Series.
For homeschooling moms who are interested in starting a career, Julie Mendez at Working While Homeschooling is a certified career coach who also has a podcast.
Laura Vanderkam has written several books on working women and time management. She is the author of this Fast Company article about parents who work and homeschool, and I often refer to this blog post of hers when I am explaining that school and child care are not the same thing.
Many homeschool sites have posts dedicated to working and homeschooling. You can find a couple of pages worth with a simple google search, but here is one that is very comprehensive from Unschool Rules called The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling for Working Moms.
Support for Single Moms who Work and Homeschool
There are a growing number of single moms who are homeschooling today (this statistic is also touched on in my ebook). I combed through several posts on the topic of homeschooling for single moms, and these were the ones that I found most useful:
Single Parent Homeschooling by Homeschool Facts
4 Steps to Setting Up a Single Parent Homeschool by Michelle Cannon, published by Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers
Tips for Single Parent Homeschooling by Latoya Edwards, published by Simple Homeschool
Homeschool Hearbeat by HSLDA also did a podcast: Single-Parent Homeschooling: An Interview with Mary Jo Tate
You are in good company if you are a working parent who wants to homeschool. Using the support resources above, you can find guidance, tips, connection, and examples to help you create your own family's homeschool experience.