Why Homeschooling is So Hard

Did I just say homeschooling is hard? Yes. That might be a little confusing to hear, because I spend a lot of time trying to convince you that homeschooling is easier. It is.
It is easier than sending your kids to school and trying to fit your child into a one-size-fits-all curriculum. It's easier than ending a long work day by dreading the surprise of the assignment agenda. It's easier to have control of the content and pace and to work with your child as an individual. It's easier than outsourcing all of this and then trying to comply with the outsourcing authority when you feel you know what is a better fit.
But make no mistake - homeschooling is hard. It's not hard because of the reasons you think it is. Homeschooling is not hard because it's school. Homeschooling is hard because it's parenting. Parenting is hard.
It's hard to teach a child to be obedient. It's hard to teach a child to share. It's hard to teach a child to use the potty. It's hard to teach a child to eat his vegetables, tie his shoes, or ride a bike. And it's hard to teach a child to read, write and do math. None of these tasks are "special" in the sense that if you find them difficult, you shouldn't do them. Because parenting may be hard, but it is also rewarding. And parenting is worth it.
Chances are you have given a new mom some advice. You might have shared some tips and tricks to make the overwhelming task of caring for a newborn easier. But would you ever tell a new mom or expecting mom that caring for a newborn is easy? Probably not. Would you tell her to just forget about having kids? Probably not. This is why I'm still encouraging you to homeschool if you are working.
Here is the good news: It turns out that the qualities that make homeschooling hard are the same qualities that make homeschooling easier. Homeschooling is parenting, and as a parent, you know your child best. You are more equipped than any other person on this earth to lead that child through life. You can meet her very specific needs in very specific ways.
You understand what's behind your child's questions, her tone of voice, her crinkled brow. You can recognize more quickly than anyone when she is feeling overwhelmed, tired, and stressed or excited, inspired, and proud. You have the ability to adjust tools and methods as you go to give her the optimal learning environment for her strengths and weaknesses.
You would never tell a mother that she couldn't be a parent because she works full time. I would never tell you that either. Because homeschooling is parenting, I would also never tell you that you can't teach your own child because you have a job. You didn't give up the parenting tag when you started working. It's still there, and you are still qualified. And it will still be hard. But it will be incredibly rewarding. And you can do it.